Holistic Psychology Educational Programs Available Through the Center for New Psychology
The Center for New Psychology teaches the Holistic New Psychology developed by Dr. Doris Jeanette. It is grounded in learning research, professionalism, body consciousness, energy awareness and healthy emotional expression.
The Holistic New PsychologyTherapists Training Groups teach the basic Holistic Psychology principles which can be integrated into your own clinical system and expertise. Click here to read the definition of holistic psychology.
Body Language and Energy Language are accurate ways to know reality.
Your body cannot lie.
Your energy cannot hide.
Effective Therapists in the future will be able to read Body Language and Energy, just like people now read books.
When you know how to read physical reality, you perceive what you is going on with yourself and others with more accuracy. Body language and Energy language are essential skills that human beings need to develop and use to avoid being fooled by false beliefs and Inner Critics—yours and others. The difference between the energy of the True Self and the Inner Critic is huge. You can learn to feel the difference.
Therapists can teach others how to read Body Language and Energy Language to accelerate personal growth and transformation.
To reach a global audience, the Holistic New Psychology Therapists Training Groups take place online. Sometimes in person sessions are available in Philadelphia, PA, Glenwood Springs, CO and Nature Parks. These have to be arranged.
You do not need a degree to participate in any of these educational programs in holistic psychology but you do need to apply in order to be accepted into the Therapist Training groups. You apply by contacting Dr. Doris Jeanette with an explanation of the reason you are interested in learning from her and how you plan to use your education to help others.
You can also create your own private program with Dr. Jeanette to meet your professional needs. These can be fun and practical.

Orchid grown and photographed by Dr. Jeanette

Sunset, Lake Regions, Maine
Here are Mandatory Educational Requirements for the Holistic New Psychology Therapist Training Group
There two courses are mandatory because they give you a solid foundation to improve your ability to connect quickly with clients and teach others the skills they need to take care of themselves in the world.
1. Take and complete the Overcoming Anxiety Naturally home study course:
This course is essential and required because it teaches you how to reduce your anxiety naturally so you can teach others to do the same. The home study course also includes the Opening the Heart audio which helps you heal your emotional self so you can teach others to do the same.
Click here for more information: on the natural anxiety course,
2. Take an Assertiveness Training Course.
An Assertiveness Training course is essential for self-confidence. Being assertive is a perquisite for good emotional and mental health. Assertiveness skills need to be learned and relearned over and over again by therapists and clients. As you go through life, with increased stress and bullying from others, you need to know how to take care of yourself in relationships and in the world.
Ongoing Assertiveness Training is essential because becoming and being assertive takes practice and courage.
You can take an in person AT course if available in your area and approved. If you do not have an Assertiveness Training Course available, you can take the home study course offered by Dr. Jeanette. Doris’ Assertiveness Training home study course “Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence” teaches you valuable communication skills you need to know so you can teach others how to become more effective in their communication with others.
Read more about the definition of assertiveness and order the home study Assertiveness Training course: “Stop the World From Pushing You Around: Six Weeks to Solid Self-Confidence”

Here are Recommended, not Required, Educational Material for the Holistic Psychology Therapist Training Group
1. Study the holistic psychology topics taught in the educational self help audio.
2. Read all the free articles available on
Application Requirements for the Holistic New Psychology Therapists Training Group
To apply for the Therapist Training Group in Holistic Psychology you need to provide Dr. Doris Jeanette via email the information below.
- A written statement expressing the reason you are interested in learning about holistic psychology and how it fits into your career goals. This can be short and sweet.
- Clinical information about your current skill level by providing a vita, resume, website or samples of your work. Natural ability is welcome so feel free to communicate what you do well. Professional degrees are not necessary. However, a high degree of being willing to use the education to help others is necessary.
Dr. Jeanette is interested in working with people who are motivated and interested in developing their natural talents and skills. She welcomes beginners as well as counselors, social workers, massage therapists, psychologists, nurses, medical doctors and coaches.
After Dr. Jeanette receives your email she will contact you and set up a phone interview with you.
If she does not get back to you in a few days, email again or call 215-732-6197 in case your email was not received.
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Create Your Unique In-Person Professional Energy Intensive
If you want to quickly learn to read body language and energy to enhance your work with others you need to improve your own mental and emotional health. This Energy Intensive Experience is a good choice because it increases your awareness and helps you break free from routine habits in a short period of time. The purpose is to provide you with a safe place to break free and let go of control so you transform some of your frozen ego energy into healthy, flowing energy. Two or three day Energy Intensives are organized around your unique professional needs at any available time during the year in Philadelphia, PA or Glenwood Springs, Colorado.
Click here to learn more about how an Energy Intensive could be created to meet your professional needs.