About Dr. Jeanette
About Us
Founder and Director of the Center for New Psychology
“Doris Jeanette has dared to live at her edges, fall off the map of her known world, and come back with the means to tame monsters.” Dr. Jean Houston, mother of the human potential movement.
“Thank you, thank you, for the audio, Opening the Heart, I love it. I’m going to recommend it in my next newsletter.” Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, M.D. Mother of Death and Dying
Meet Dr. Jeanette
Real-life strategy to reach your goals.
Doris grew up on a 300 acre self-sustaining farm, living with three generations, in rural North Carolina, where she was loved by the trees and taught how to play by the squirrels. Her defining moment was the death of her nine month old brother when she was six. This same year, under the giant oak trees, she watched the building of a bathroom on the farmhouse, which replaced the outhouse out by the garden.
Dr. Doris Jeanette, a licensed psychologist for 40 years, is now a writer, holistic psychology teacher and human energy workshop leader. She is interested in teaching therapists to be more effective at getting to the heart of people problems, quickly and with ease. Therapeutic heart to heart connections heal the emotional self. Spiritual therapists increase body and energy awareness with their clients so that body tension is removed, resulting in permanent change in the body and energy field.
Dr. Jeanette is available for a limited number of creative adventures, master classes in universities or institutes, Energy Intensives and Nature Workshops. If you are interested in joining a Therapist Training Group, email her to discuss your interest. Here are the New Holistic Psychology skills you learn.
We strive for diversity across the globe
The Holistic New Psychology is An Effective, Drug Free Alternative Therapy
Here is Doris in the summer time, carrying her heavy groceries, efficiently on top of her head in Center City, Philadelphia. This method, used for centuries by women, is being studied by aerospace engineers.
Doris knows the scientific secret: Remove the anxiety from your body and viola’!

Maralyn summarized her psychological evolution:
“Ever so incrementally, Doris Jeanette (nee Ward, formerly Keller) has expanded, and exploded, the boundaries of her traditional clinical training. She holds a doctorate in psychology from highly respectable Baylor University, and she had a post doctoral fellowship with eminent behaviorist Joseph Wolpe, M.D. at Tempe Medical Schools, both during the 1970’s.
… She’s achieved admirable electricity in her work, moving from sex therapy and feminist therapy to the further reaches of ‘new science’…
…With Nature as her co-therapist, Doris Jeanette’s outdoor workshops at the seashore or forest bring participants back, she says, ‘to sanity, health, and freedom.”
About the New Psychology, a Holistic Psychology Definition
The New Psychology is safe, effective and holistic. The New Psychology is dramatically different from current managed care, talk therapy. Click to read the definition of the new, holistic, alternative psychology.
About the Center for New Psychology
Read about the purpose, history and mission of the Center for New Psychology. The Center for New Psychology has a global vision and respect for all cultures.
This about Dr. Doris Jeanette page contains information about Dr. Doris Jeanette and the Center for New Psychology. Doris Jeanette has also been known as Dr. Doris J. Keller, Doris Jeanette Keller, Doris Keller, Doris Ward, Doris Jeanette Ward, Doris J. Ward.

You can learn how to carry heavy objects on your head and balance on one foot!
Or learn to surf at the age of 53!
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Dr. Jeanette’s Answers Are Natural, Safe and Effective. Get Free Relationship Advice and Mind-Body Solutions.
Ask Dr. Doris Jeanette your personal question. If there is not already a holistic psychology answer in the free psychology articles, she will answer your question. Check here for the free psychology articles: Link

Opening the Heart
Real-life strategy to reach your goals.
Dr. Jeanette is author of Opening the Heart audio and ebook and 12 other self-help holistic psychology products.
The Philadelphia Inquirer proclaimed Doris Jeanette, “The Siren of Spontaneity,” noticed her “co-therapist is nature” as she does the “work of the gods.”
Maralyn Lois Pollack, who wrote the featured interview in the Inquirer also reported she was “warm, genuinely likable” and communicated in “honeyed tones of her muted Southern accent.”
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