Holistic Psychology goes back to the Holistic Healing Temples in classical Greece which were located in the countryside far away from the crowded cities. The Greeks where not afraid to listen to their Inner Daimonion and “Know Thyself” was in fashion. In 1999, I developed a modern definition of Holistic Psychology after I returned from teaching the New Psychology at the University for Global Well-being where Dr. Amit Gowswite, of “What the Bleep do we Know!?” fame, was teaching quantum physics.
Dr. Goswami’s lectures validated what I had discovered about the power of healthy emotional expression with my clients and myself. Dr. Goswami and I suspect that global mental health will take a quantum leap forward when people begin to feel their authentic emotions and live in their emotional body as a way of life. Currently, most people deny their emotions or exaggerate them instead of being able to feel them and express their colorful energy in healthy, life affirming ways. Here is a link to my well-thought-out scientific definition of Holistic Psychology based on 40 years of professional clinical data and research.
The definition of Holistic Psychology views you as a whole being, with mind, body, emotions and spirit, connected to Mother Nature and the cosmos. You are not separate and alone, you are part of the whole. When one part of the mind or body is sick, the whole person is sick.
An effective Holistic Psychology treatment includes the person’s body, mind, emotions and spirit. Holistic Psychology is aware of the bigger picture which teaches you how to transform more of your open, free flowing authentic energy you were born with into healthy radiant energy that can be seen and felt by others.
Use the Center for New Psychology definition of Holistic Psychology to evaluate your approach to healing, as well as the professionals you want to hire to help you along the path. You need many teachers, therapists, mentors, coaches and holistic psychologists to help you. One person cannot give you what you need, you need long-term relationships and new relationships to help you become authentic, real and true to yourself.
Let’s take a look at the dramatically different purpose of holistic psychology from the current medical model used in psychotherapy.
The PURPOSE of traditional psychology is to adjust you to fit you into a culture, system or technique.
Talk Therapists are required by law to label you as mentally ill, when you are different, psychic and sensitive to energies that others do not perceive. For example, homosexuality used to be a serious mental illness. Yikes. Another example, if you hear voices, you are automatically in the psychotic category instead of being in the aware of my Inner Critic and Inner Daimonion category. You can understand the reason many multicultural, creative, highly sensitive people avoid psychotherapy.
Notice how you feel when you imagine that you have to give or receive traditional psychological treatment based on this old medical model. Contrast this narrow straight jacket medical model with the purpose of the Holistic, New Psychology.
PURPOSE: To actualize the real self by empowering individuals to be true to the authentic self.
Holistic Psychology empowers you by helping you relax and be true to your authentic self. Feel how much bigger and wider you feel when you know you can relax and be yourself instead of trying to fit into the white, straight, male model of mental health that is still considered the gold standard.
If you want to begin or accelerate your Holistic Psychology treatment plan, seek out a holistic massage therapist. Do not talk during the session, feel your body and emotions. If you cannot afford a massage therapist, look for massage school students and consider bartering. Just make sure you get, safe, therapeutic holistic healing touch that touches your heart and soul. Do not settle for anything less.
Perhaps the reason Holistic Psychology is not taught in graduate schools is because many psychologists and researchers do not know the difference between an authentic emotion and a conditioned response. They think defensive energy is emotional. Learning research proves that knee jerk responses are based on conditioning that has nothing to do with genuine emotions. Defensive energy covers up your genuine emotions. When you stop defending yourself, you feel your authentic emotions. When your emotions are felt, your anxiety, which is the tension in your body, is reduced.
Feel free to ask me any questions you have about Holistic, New Psychology and how you can use it to heal and empower yourself so you can have more vibrant moments.
Email me your questions to [email protected]
Holistic Psychology products to help you live in your body so you are bodyful.
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