Free Nature Therapy and Free Tree Therapy
Mother Nature is the source of healthy energy. You need to get outside and be with a tree no matter where you live or what you do. Everyday is best. However, even short periods of time with a tree helps you feel better. The city is full of ways to connect with Mother Earth, even if you do not have a car.
Since 1985 Dr. Doris Jeanette has used Mother Earth as her co-therapist to help thousands of people relax their body and improve their self-esteem. Many scientific studies document the benefits of spending time in nature. The Japanese have long known the benefits of taking a Forest Bath.
Tree Therapy helps you because the energy of trees is stronger and more powerful than your thoughts. Mother Nature is real and so are you. At times, you may think your Inner Critic is powerful, but it is not. Your Inner Critic only has the power and energy you give it.
Your negative, nasty thoughts about anything or anyone, are false beliefs and ill placed. It matters not if your thoughts are directed outward toward others or inward toward you—this judgmental energy defines you. Believing your mean, nasty, crazy thoughts makes you feel terrible.
As a result of believing these nasty thoughts, you enter the territory called mental illness. Spending time in nature puts you in touch with your True Self. Your True Self is not crazy. When you sink down into your body a different world opens up before you. A physical world of reality. A world full of color and sound.
When you sink into gravity, you enter the moment and everything feels different. You feel the sensations in your body and around your body. These sensations are called feelings. Feelings are powerful because they put you in touch with reality. The more you feel, the more you know.
Enjoy your body sensations because they make you more alive.
Your senses are open. You smell the trees and feel the wind blow across your face. You feel the energy of the birds, the rocks and ground surrounding you. You are part of the whole– no longer separate and alone.
When you feel part of the cosmos you are healthier and stronger in mind and body.

Benefits of Mother Nature and Tree Therapy
- Thinking
- Blood pressure
- Loneliness
- Stress
- Worry
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Relaxation
- Feelings of happiness
- Bodily feelings
- Physical strength
- Colors and sounds
- Connectedness to self
- Connectedness to others
What Happens During Tree Therapy?

You stop thinking about all the things you “should” do. Yes, you leave your stressful, mental environment behind and stop your racing thoughts. Your Inner Critic becomes quiet and still.
The Philadelphia Inquirer called Doris Jeanette, the “Siren of Spontaneity!“
Noting that “Her co-therapist is nature” and she does the “work of the gods.” |
After spending time in nature you go home a different and changed person.
Nature Workshops have been Dr. Jeanette’s signature personal growth workshop since 1983.
If you would like to have Doris do a Nature Workshop with your group pitch your idea to her.
Contact Information….
“Dr. Jeanette’s Nature Workshop was wonderful. I left the workshop feeling euphoric and vibrant. Her mind-body exercises enhanced my senses so I noticed what I would not have noticed if I was just taking a nature walk.” Dr. Adam Berm, clinical psychologist |
Here are what Dr. Doris Jeanette’s Nature Workshops are like.