Play. Assert. Express Yourself at an Experiential Outdoor Workshop Close to New York City and Philadelphia. Become More Relaxed, Assertive and Alive.

“Dr. Jeanette’s Nature Workshop was wonderful. I left the workshop feeling euphoric and vibrant. Her mind-body exercises enhanced my senses so I noticed what I would not have noticed if I was just taking a nature walk.” Dr. Adam Berm, clinical psychologist
Assertiveness Training, Body Language, Energy Awareness, Nature Workshop in the Forest, Near New Hope, Pennsylvania.
Have Fun Improving Your Relationship Skills.
This is an all day, experiential workshop, Saturday, October 21, 11:00-5:00 pm. Rain rate is Sunday, October 22, 2017. A Nature Workshop is transformational (not psychotherapy). Limited to 12 women and men.
Fall Theme: “Develop and Strength Your Inner NO.”
Say no to people who hurt you. Say goodbye to guilt, blame, and shame.
In addition to the the fall theme, you are encouraged to bring your specific concerns to Dr. Jeanette’s Nature Workshop. The workshop size is limited in size so you receive the personal attention you need to become empowered.
The Philadelphia Inquirer called Doris Jeanette, the “Siren of Spontaneity!” Noting that “Her co-therapist is nature” and she does the “work of the gods.”
Spending time in nature puts you in touch with your true self. Read the most recent scientific study about the benefits of spending time in nature.
Then add an effective holistic psychologist to your time in nature for successful transformation. Get rid of your ego.
Nature Workshops are Dr. Jeanette’s signature personal growth workshops.
Since 1985 she has used Mother Earth to help hundreds of people relax their body and improve their relationships.
Blood pressure |
Enhanced: Feelings of happiness |
Get unstuck, increase your assertiveness, and feel more alive in your body.
As you playfully engage in whole body exercises you break free from your mental thoughts. When you stop thinking, you automatically enjoy vibrant moments of being fully alive in your body. Wow!
Come to a Nature Workshop to learn new communication skills, feel your human energy and practice being effective.

What Happens at a Nature Workshop?
Imagine yourself in a safe group with a rock solid leader who knows how to support you while keeping the group energy moving and grooving.
You stop thinking about all the things you “should” do. Yes, you leave your stressful, mental environment behind and stop your racing thoughts.
Your inner critic becomes quiet and still.
“I couldn’t believe it. I stopped thinking. My negative thoughts were gone!” David, a contractor
Then you sink down into your body. Yahoo! A different world opens up before you. A physical world of color and sound.
You enter the moment and everything feels different.
You feel the sensations in your body and around your body. These sensations are called feelings. Feelings are powerful because they put you in touch with reality.
Body sensations abound. You are more alive! Your senses are open. You smell the trees and feel the wind blow across your face. You feel the energy of the birds, the rocks and ground surrounding you.
You are part of the whole– no longer separate and alone.
You Learn How to:
- Communicate verbally and nonverbally.
- Sense energy and read body language.
- Tell the difference in healthy and unhealthy energy.
- Access more of your instincts and intuition.
- Get energy moving in your legs and feet.
- Keep your energy grounded.
- Expand and use your senses to know more.
- Increase pleasure.
- Let go and flow.
“I highly recommend Doris Jeanette’s workshops. She is an excellent workshop leader and knows how to release your creative energy.”
“I highly recommend Doris Jeanette’s workshops. She is an excellent workshop leader and knows how to release your creative energy.”

Mother Nature is the source of healthy energy.
Dr. Doris Jeanette has been taking people into nature for over twenty five years.
Whether at the Beach in the Spring at Cape May, New Jersey or the Forest in the Fall, at Pt. Pleasant, PA, Dr. Jeanette has been turning people on to their natural power and vital energy for 25 years by using Mother Earth as her helper.
Peak experiences happen.
“People are hungry for real-in-your-body experiences.”
Turn off your cell phone and stop thinking. Dr. Jeanette’s experiential Nature Workshops are designed help you safely let go of control and expand your awareness. Therefore, you go home a different and changed person.
After a Nature Workshop with Dr. Jeanette, you go home a different and changed person.
“I come every year. I relax, I hang out with the ground, trees and feel good. I go home stronger.” S. J., M.D.
Mind Body Power Tools Used Throughout the Day:
- Assertiveness Exercises
- Communication Skills Exercises
- Psychophysical Exercises
- Movement
- Body Sensing
- Energy Sensing
- High Play (Playing with purpose and grandeur.)
- Sound and Color Exercises
- Spontaneous Happenings

Basic Itinerary
After registration, you receive the exact location.
10:45: Meet, gather in parking lot
11:00: Walk to location together, settle into surroundings
11:15: Introductions, personal goals, “What is,” “Just Noticing” exercises
12:00: Connecting with nature, opening senses, assertiveness, body and energy exercises
12:30: Personal break and High Play time
12:45: Process feelings, insights, communication skills
1:15: Connecting with nature, body, heart and others assertiveness exercises
2:00: Lunch break
2:30: Check in, claim successes, what is needed?
2:45: Power walks, power talks, grounding exercises, walk to river
3:15: Psycho-physical, sensual, body, more nature awareness exercises
3:30: Personal break, High Play time
3:45: More non-verbal communication exercises
4:30: How to take your new experiences home, body, sensual awareness in your daily living space
4:45: Celebrate successes, note difference, play with group energy
5:00: Group hug goodbye, play with energy, walk home with increased awareness and new power

If this sounds exciting to you Click here to sign up for the next Nature Workshop. This workshop could be tax deductible for you as continuing education or professional development. Cost is $229.00.
Workshop is limited to 12 people to ensure you get personalized attention.
Cancellation Policy: To get a refund notify the office 10 days ahead of time by phone. You receive your full payment minus a process fee of $25.00. If you cannot make the rain date or you have an emergency you get full credit to use at a future workshop, session, or product.
Questions? Call Doris Jeanette at 215-732-6197 or write: [email protected]
For group or family discounts call 215-732-6197 or write: [email protected]
Need to Know More About the New Hope, PA area?
Need to Know More About the Cape May, NJ area?
Need a Ride to the Nature Workshop?
Contact Dr. Jeanette, she may be able to hook you up with others. Call: 215-732-6197 or Write: [email protected]
Need More Details About Your Day?
Each workshop with Dr. Jeanette begins with her signature exercise, “What is.”Discover “What is” really happening in the moment, not what you thinking is happening, but what is really vibrating inside of you and around you. This is how you become more aware of energy. See your body relaxing into the ground while sitting on a blanket with a small group of warm, friendly, caring people.
Your new friends pay attention to you as you talk. See yourself comfortable with others and hear yourself say something new in a different way. You share your intentions, goals and desires for the day with the group. This sets in motion your success for the day and is your contribution to the group energy.
Once you share your goals, they immediately begin to manifest. The group is there to help you reach your goals. Your senses are heightened and we do exercises to activate them even more.
At any time you need to rest or not participate, you are free to be yourself in every moment.The first set of exercises will loosen up rigid thought patterns. The next set will get your awareness down into your body.
Energy awareness exercises are sprinkled in to show you how much energy is moving through your body and how much energy you are blocking out.
Bring a light lunch and eat alone or with others at the picnic tables. Yes, there are bathrooms not too far away.

“After the Nature Workshop, I feel more in touch with what I need and want. I am aware of my body for days afterwards.” Jane Murex
Feel your body becoming softer, warmer and more alive as you breathe oxygen into all your cells. Soon you start to tingle and glow. As you relax, colors, sounds and vibrations naturally come closer to you, so everything appears to be more vibrant. Reality has not changed, but your ability to be in tune with reality has shifted.
You might even feel goose bumps! For sure you will get the tingles which are caused by increased energy flow.
The goal is to take your new-found solid, physical self esteem home with you so you can re-create these sensations in your everyday life.
You walk home with your new body feelings and keep them in your awareness as long as you can. You go home after having practiced new assertive skills that you know you can execute when needed in real life. This workshop may be tax deductible because it improves your performance at work.
This workshop is transformational (not psychotherapy).
Sign Up: If this sounds exciting to you, click here to sign up for the Nature Workshop. $229.00 Limited to 12 people.
Cancellation Policy: To get a cash refund notify the office 10 days ahead of time and get a full refund minus a process fee of $25.00. If you cannot make the rain date or you have an emergency you get the full credit to use for a future workshop, private session, or product.
For group or family discounts sign up for The Vibrant Moment or call 215-732-6197.
Questions? Call Doris Jeanette at 215-732-6197 or write: [email protected]