The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Open is powerful.Tools from the Center for New PsychologyPublisher: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body-Emotions-Energy TeacherVisit: http://www.drjeanette.comFollow me on Twitter for fun and inspiration:http://twitter.com/DorisJeanette============================Open is powerful. Closed is weak.Last month’s newsletter about how guilt energy controls us from themoment we are born brought up an important question from a readerabout self-protection. It took me years to answer this question formyself and my clients. “How do you protect yourself if you do notavoid people you think are going to hurt you, such as anarcissistic?”From learning research we know that any avoidance response makes youweaker, not stronger. The more you avoid that which you are afraidof, the more anxious you become. In terms of energy, which is thebasis of The New Psychology, the more things you avoid, the weakeryour energy field becomes. The only way you can avoid something youdon’t like or think will hurt you is to close your gates. Themetaphor is a castle with a moat all around it. You are stuck inside.You lower your gate for those you think are safe to come and go.After being hurt in a love relationship, I remember how scary it wasto lower the gate to my heart and let anyone in, much less everyone.While opening your heart is scary, keeping it closed becomes more andmore painful by the moment. And your moments become less vibrant. Aclosed heart is painful because you re-create your original hurt overand over again until you pay attention to your emotional self andheal the wounds of your past. Take a look at your life and see yourrelationship pattern. Betrayal was my pattern.You find yourself in the same painful drama over and over again.There is no doubt that we re-create our original hurt until we healit. I discovered that I had unconsciously created a wall of frozenenergy around me as a child to block out the hurt and pain. I did notknow I was also blocking out all the love that is in the cosmos thatcannot get through any frozen wall of energy. Your frozen wall iscomposed of your defensive selves.I had to grow up, become a psychologist, raise my consciousness andexplore my body and emotions to figure out how to break free from mychains and get out of my ice-cold castle. If you want to be free toleave your castle and live in the world without your armor, you can.The secret to becoming stronger and braver is: Your strength is inyour vulnerability. Reality is the opposite of what you think.Let light bulbs go off in your head. Let lightning hit you. The morevulnerable you are, the stronger you are. Vulnerable means being realand true to yourself in the moment. Allow yourself to feelinadequate, insecure and hurt because they are common human feelings.When you are true to your emotional self, healthy energy is releasedfrom inside the moat and you become stronger and more radiant. Thispowerful energy automatically protects you from harm because yourenergy field begins to vibrate at a higher frequency.It is a law that higher vibrations repel lower vibrations. Forexample, when your immune system is healthy it repels germs, whichhave lower vibrations. Therefore, the task before you is to find,accept, heal and love your true self who has been hurt and rejected.This means your emotional self and body, which are the two mostrejected parts of humanity.Self-love is self-protection. No one else’s love can heal you. Noteven the greatest therapist, lover or mother on the earth can healyour wounds. It is all up to you. You are the only one who has thepower and means to shift out of self-rejection into self-acceptance.Every minute of every day you can become more and more open in smallbaby steps at a time so your body relaxes and your emotional self isleading the way.==============================HEAL YOUR WOUNDS: The Opening the Heart ebook and audio were createdto guide you through the process of opening your moat slowly andcarefully so you get rid of the armor in your body. Learn to feel thedifference between your defensive ego and your true self in the firsthalf hour of the Opening the Heart audio series called “Feelings: Thechallenge of our species.” Practice sensing your natural bornvibrations as you receive loving guidance on how to recognize yourcontrolling ego energy. You feel better as soon as you love who youare, instead of letting your ego tell you how bad everyone else it.Three hours of audio on feelings, fear and hurt, recorded in a soundstudio so the sound of my voice delivers healing, calming vibrationsto resonate with over and over again for better emotional and mentalhealth. $97.00, money-back guarantee.Read more and order:http://www.drjeanette.com/emotionalhealthaudio.htmlProblems? Email me.=============================If you enjoy The Vibrant Moment, please forward it to friends andcolleagues. It comes to you from Dr. Doris Jeanette, with overforty-five years of experience teaching people how to read and useenergy to unlock and use their human potential. Sign up at:http://www.drjeanette.comDoris Jeanette, Psy.D.503 S. 21 St.Philadelphia, PA 19146http://www.drjeanette.com215-732-6197Mentor and author of Opening the Heart
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