Holistic Health - Jeanette.com

Holistic Health - Jeanette.com

The Vibrant Moment – your reminder to believe in yourself.

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“The Vibrant Moment”

Tips from The Center for New Psychology
Publisher: Doris Jeanette

Write to:[email protected]
Visit http://www.drjeanette.com
“Edutainment in Energy, Emotions and Effectiveness”
You are receiving this because you signed up for it or
you told me that you want to subscribe. If you didn’t subscribe,
you can unsubscribe by clicking the link at the bottom of the
Please forward this ezine to anyone you know who needs safe, effective
solutions to real problems, wants to fulfill their purpose in life before they
die, desires peak experiences and seeks deep meaning in everything they do.
In This Issue
1. My Gift to You
2. Use Sexual Energy to Blast Though Depression
3. New electronic online course Overcoming Anxiety Naturally
4. Cuddle Parities in Philadelphia
5. Common Sense Day
1. My Gift to You
Thank you to all who downloaded my gifts and emailed me for
your 15 minutes.

This week I am still offering the gifts.
Many of you have been reading The Vibrant Moment for years and never
received the special report, “How Colors Affect Emotions.” So for
those of you who have not received this report please go and down load it now.


I just added yet another extra bonus for people who sign up
for the newsletter, an EQ Test “Emotional Intelligence Test and Emotional
Intelligence Definition.” Download it for free here


Feel free to send my gifts to your friends, family and
send to your list as a perk for self improvement.
For those of you who just recently signed up, your free
gift is a free 15 minute email session with me. Write me
at [email protected] and ask me what you
need to know to become more successful in your self
help adventure. We will have a 15 minute chat via email.

Make 2007 your best year ever.
2. Use Sexual Energy to Blast Off Depression
Check out my article in PhillyFit on the connection between depression
and sexual health. If you are not local to Philadelphia,
where you can pick the magazine up at any local fitness or wellness
center you can read the article at

Search down till you get to :
Sex is the Dynamite You Need for Depressed Energy
Download PDF

3- Anxiety Natural online Course via Immediate email delivery
I have been consciously relaxing since 1975. The best thing I ever did
for myself was to commit myself to relaxing- as- a -way- of- life.

Relaxing the body. Relaxing the mind. Letting go of control. No thinking.
Wow…….feels so good. yummmmmmm.

Worth every moment I have spent practicing.
Pays great big dividends in emotional health, mental health
physical health and sexual=health.

I started out my career of relaxation at the Behavior Therapy Unit
with Joe Wolpe, MD. father of Behavior Therapy, a delightful South African.
I added transformation stuff to the normal relaxation process.

For example:
Each time you relax you need to go to a new level of letting go……..

For non Philadelphians who cannot get to my
small anxiety reduction groups here in center city,
take my mind-body anxiety natural treatment
electronic online course. A mouth full of
good keywords! Read about all the Thought Taming
CDs included with the written
lessons. http://www.drjeanette.com/anxietycourseonline.html
Order Now before the price goes up, which it will.
Study and work on your own or add personal communication with
me for extra support and success at a discount bonus rate.
4-Cuddle Parties in Philadelphia
My friend Edie Moser is now offering Cuddle Parities in the Philadelphia Area.
This is a great, safe way to get your need for touch fulfilled. Check it out.
Two Cuddle Parities: Second One is a Benefit For Pebble Church
Lead by Edie Weinstein-Moser-facilitator in training, therapist,
interfaith minister and consultant. 215-738-8668
Shake off the Winter Chill with Warm Hearts and Hugs at a Cuddle Party!
See web site for info on this dynamic, fun and fulfilling touch and
communication workshop. www.cuddleparty.com

Saturday, January 13, 2007 2-5:30pm
shivaya yoga 66 Rittenhouse Place Ardmore, PA
$25 pre-registered, $30 at the door

Sunday January 14, 2007 from 3:30-7:00 pm www.pebblehillchurch.org
Pebble Hill Interfaith Community Edison-Furlong Road Doylestown, PA
This is a fundraiser for Pebble Hill. Love donation.
5 Common Sense Day …..Jan. 10th
I meant to mail The Vibrant Moment out tonight on
Common Sense Day but I am so tired,
I am going to bed now before I have
time to finish and check it over. Good night.
Sweet Dreams.

Hope you enjoyed Common Sense day and next year
I might make a big deal about it. We all need
lots of CS and I do not see much around.
Use your common sense to listen to free radio interviews
with Dr. Jeanette and extraordinary guests who help
motivate you, inspirit you and educate you.

Get on over to the radio station now.


Doris Jeanette, copyright, January 11, 2007

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D.
licensed psychologist
503 S. 21 St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146
Speaker, radio host, health columnist and author of “Opening Your Heart – Your Emotional Guide to Self Esteem.” Ebook, tapes, CDs at
“Live at the Edge” radio show at http://www.moosemeals.com/edge.htm

Sign up for your free holistic psychology, mind body spirit newsletter, “The Vibrant Moment” now:

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