Sex Addiction Or Sexual Health?

Is Your Sex Life High Anxiety? Not Sure If You Are A Sex Addict Or A Good Lover?
The Difference Between A Good Lover and Sex Addiction is Huge.
Sexual Health, Sex Addiction Question
I’ve reviewed your web site – I want to experience your work.
However, I’m a little confused. I feel as though I know my body and I like it. I’m very sensual and sexual – not afraid to explore anything at all.
The problem is I don’t have a healthy sex and love life. I’ve been lead down a path of cheap, random and lackluster experiences. I feel, as though this is the cause of much unhappiness and loneliness, which prevents me from enjoying life to the fullest.
Sometimes I also don’t know where to draw the line. I mean, when is sex healthy as opposed to not healthy. Since I have an extremely strong drive towards sex and ecstasy, I often find myself stuck without healthy ways to express my sexual self. Can you explain to me your approach and how it might help? T. P.
Sexual Health, Sex Addiction Answer
Yes, T. B.
A lot of people are confused about sex. Take a look at the behavior of the President of the United States of America! Basically we are very sexually immature, not just the President. And take a look at the response to his behavior. It is equally immature, being judgmental and condemning. This reflects our society’s current state of sexual development and current consciousness about sex. No so hot!!!
You are confusing your addictive behavior with sex. Using sex as a way to reduce your anxiety is not the same as using sex for its real purpose. A sex addiction is like any other addiction; you are using sex to avoid facing and dealing with your real feelings about yourself. Sex, alcohol, or Prozac, are ways to control your behavior so you don’t get a chance to develop yourself and grow as a person.

Thanks for asking, Dr. Jeanette, copyright, 1999, revised 2009
Improve your sexual health before you ruin your marriage and humiliate yourself like Tiger Woods.
Sexual Health Improvement Options:
1. Order an online course developed by sex therapist and licensed psychologist, Dr. Doris Jeanette. For Men: Become a Better Lover. It will give you the tools you need to reduce your anxiety and open your heart to healthy emotions and feelings. This sexual health home study course is helpful for men with sex addiction, premature ejaculation and sexual impotency.
2. Contact Dr. Jeanette to see if she has time for a sexual health consultation to get started on becoming a better person and a better lover. First consultation is $300.00 per hour. Email at [email protected] or Call: 215-732-6197.
You want your sexual energy to increase all throughout your body, so that it flows in your feet and toes, hands and fingers, as well as in your head and ears! When your energy is flowing in these places, you can have whole body orgasms.
Developing your feeling ability is what will enhance your sexual experience. It is through your emotional feelings that your sensual nature and erotic ability will skyrocket and soar. This means you need to open your heart.
If you commit yourself to reducing your anxiety you will have an exciting trip into opening your heart so you have great, loving, healthy sex. This is enough to get you started and excited I hope. Next month I will go more in detail about my approach explaining how it is different from tradition psychology.
Thanks for asking, Dr. Jeanette, copyright, 1999, revised 2009
Improve your sexual health before you ruin your marriage and humiliate yourself like Tiger Woods.
Sexual Health Improvement Options:
1. Order an online course developed by sex therapist and licensed psychologist, Dr. Doris Jeanette. For Men: Become a Better Lover. It will give you the tools you need to reduce your anxiety and open your heart to healthy emotions and feelings. This sexual health home study course is helpful for men with sex addiction, premature ejaculation and sexual impotency.
2. Contact Dr. Jeanette to see if she has time for a sexual health consultation to get started on becoming a better person and a better lover. First consultation is $300.00 per hour. Email at [email protected] or Call: 215-732-6197.