Men who Wear Women’s Panties Help

Sexual Health Questions Answered by Dr. Doris Jeanette, a Licensed Psychologist and Trained Sex Therapist
Free Holistic Psychology Answers to Your Sexual Health Questions
Men Who Wear Panties Question: Is it OK for a guy to wear women’s panties instead of guy stuff? Anonymous
Men Who Wear Panties Answer
Is it OK for a woman to wear men’s pants instead of gal stuff? Of course. The idea that only men can wear certain clothes and only women can wear certain clothes is at the heart of how we judge our sexual selves.
So stop judging yourself about the fact that you wear women’s panties. It is healthy to explore your sexuality. You can wear anything you want to wear as long as you do not hurt yourself or anyone else.

It is healthy to be free, sensuous and sexy. Loving sex is good for you and keeps you young and healthy.
However, if you cannot have an orgasm without wearing women’s panties or women’s clothing you have a sexual problem.
When you do not get sexually aroused by anything other than women’s panties, you are conditioned into a rigid sexual behavior. You are trapped in an unfortunate situation because you cannot have fun and enjoy other sexual activities.
This means you need to learn how to relax so you get sexually aroused and excited by lots of other things besides women’s panties. If you are dependent on women’s panties your sex life is crippled and controlled.
If you cannot have an orgasm without wearing women’s panties you need to seek sex therapy and relationship counseling to help you enjoy sexual orgasms in other ways.
The other psychological problem that often occurs with men who wear women’s panties is a thinking problem.
How often do you think about wearing women’s panties during the day? How often do you think about wearing women’s panties at night?
Your obsessive thinking about wearing women’s panties is a sign of concern. If you think about wearing women’s panties often, you have a serious problem that you need help in overcoming.
If you are constantly thinking about wearing women’s panties, this means you have an obsessive thought problem. Obsessing thinking is a mental health problem.
Wearing women’s panties is not a problem. However, obsessing about wearing women’s panties is a mental health problem.
Obsessing about anything, anyone or any object is extremely unhealthy. Obsessive thinking keeps you from enjoying life and it destroys your chances for good sex and a wonderful love life.
If you fall in this category, you need to learn how to stop obsessing about women’s panties.
When you learn to stop obsessing about women’s panties, you will be more relaxed and have better sex.
I wrote the special report, “Empowerment for Men: Love and Understanding for Men Who Wear Panties,” to help you understand your sexual behavior and stop making yourself wrong about wearing women’s panties.
Order this special report for men who wears panties for more information about yourself and your sexual behavior. “Empowerment for Men: Love and Understanding for Men Who Wear Panties.”

Another problem you may have is your love relationship.
Many men who wear women’s panties enter sex therapy or relationship therapy when their wife or girlfriend finds out they have been wearing women’s panties.
Having secrets can be extremely stressful on your marriage or love relationship. Hiding your behavior of wearing women’s panties from your wife or girlfriend can destroy your marriage or relationship.
You can save your marriage if you take positive actions before it is too late. You deserve to have a good marriage and a good sex life. You deserve to hold your head high and feel good about yourself.
If you have any guilt and shame about wearing women’s panties, you need to unlearn these negative ways of relating to yourself. Instead, take positive personal growth actions which make you feel good about yourself and leave you feeling sexually satisfied.
Everyone deserves to enjoy good sexual health, especially men who wear panties. Get help from a sex therapist if you think about panties often and if your shame and guilt keep you from telling your wife or lover about your sexual behavior.
Resources to Help Men Who Wear Women’s Panties
“Empowerment for Men: Love and Understanding for Men Who Wear Panties.” This is a special report, 17 pages, PDF format, $9.97.
This special report written by Dr. Jeanette guides you through the maze of your sexual behavior so you understand yourself better and are more compassionate toward yourself.
You get a better understanding of your sexual behavior and know the importance of your sexual history. This helps you make sense of the reasons you think about and wear women’s panties.
The information in the report helps you stop making yourself wrong or bad about wearing women’s panties.
You also receive guidance about how to feel better about yourself and specific directions on how to stop thinking so much about wearing women’s panties.
If this sounds helpful, order the special report made for men who wear women’s panties: “Empowerment for Men: Love and Understanding for Men Who Wear Panties.” 17 pages, PDF format, $9.97.
Do not be afraid of ordering because the name on the order form and your credit card bill do not say anything about wearing women’s panties.
If you are the wife of a man who wears panties, reading this report gives you a better understanding of your husband and you can share it with him to get a healthy conversation going between you.
Email Dr. Doris Jeanette if you need help.
There is a money back guarantee, no questions asked.
Testimonials from men who have read this report.
“Thank you for helping me understand my behavior, I have more compassion for myself.”
“This report was very helpful to me. I read it three times.”
“I want to set up an appointment with you after reading this report. I need to explore my obsession with wearing women’s panties. It is driving me crazy.”
Order the special report made for men who wear women’s panties: “Empowerment for Men: Love and Understanding for Men Who Wear Panties.” 17 pages, PDF format, $9.97 and feel better tonight.
Doris Jeanette, Psy.D is a licensed psychologist and trained sex therapist since 1976 helping men and women enjoy healthy sex without guilt and shame. Read more about Dr. Jeanette as a sex therapist and sex experts.
Need More Sex Therapy Help?
Order the sex therapy home study course to improve your sexual performance, “For Men: Become a Better Lover – How to Have a Better Sex Life” only $299.97.
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Email Dr. Doris Jeanette at drjeanette@ Or Call: 215-732-6197
(c) Copyright Dr. Doris Jeanette, 2002, revised in 2011
Help for men who wear women’s panties. Sexual health information about men who wear women’s panties, sexual performance, self esteem, sexual advice, relationship advice, sex therapy answers for men who wear panties.