Need Help Standing Up to Negative Thoughts in Your Head? Want to Stop Your Inner Critic From Blocking Your Creativity and Joy?
“De-fang Your Inner Critic to Find Your Voice”
Dr. Doris Jeanette interviews Emily Hanlon, best selling author of Petersburg. Emily and Doris encourage you to write to advance your personal growth and to expose your Inner Critic. Then they give you helpful tools to overpower your Inner Critic.

On this Personal Growth Audio You Learn:
- The importance of finding your authentic voice.
- How to differentiate between the voice of your persona and your true writer’s voice.
- Specific ways to use writing to find your authentic self and your Inner Critic.
- Why and how your Inner Critic stops you from expressing yourself.
- Specific ways to de-fang your Inner Critic.
- Five traits common to people who are creative.
Read what a published author says about this audio:
You have dark characters in your unconscious that need to be exposed. They are sitting there in the dark controlling you and making you miserable and sick.
Emily and Doris show you how to bring light to your darkness by reducing the power your Inner Critic has over you.
This recording is a live teaching teleseminar, not a studio produced audio.
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“Your teleseminar De-fang Your Inner Critic was extremely valuable. I got over my fear of writing a dark character. What you said was a gift that melted away the block that has been holding me back. Thanks so much for your teleseminar!”
Margo Mateas, author of” Peekaboo”