Need More Energy? Want to Get Rid of Depression and Anxiety? Looking for Drug Free Natural Mental Health Solutions?
Use Color and Sound Therapy to Achieve Holistic Mental Health.
Color and sound are vibrations. Therefore, color and sound are effective holistic and mental health tools. Color and sound when used appropriately improves your health and quality of life.
Using Color and Sound Therapy regularly helps maintain harmonious, healthy energy flow in the body and energy field.
Healthy energy flow feeds your cells and makes your body healthy and strong. Without healthy energy, you get sick in mind and body.
Healthy physical vibrations are more effective than medication, talk therapy or psychotherapy in helping you change behaviors and become more alive.
Your body, which is physical matter, is difficult to shift without using physical vibrations. To successfully improve the health of your body, use Sound and Color Therapy, along with other effective holistic psychology actions.
For example, talking about your depression often leads to more depression or no improvement. However, if you get up and make a sound, you immediately begin to breakup your depressed energy.

Color and sound vibrations change physical matter immediately and are extremely safe to use. No negative side effects!
Therefore, Dr. Jeanette has developed a self help guide to introduce you to Color and Sound Therapy. Use her Color and Sound Therapy exercises when you need more energy.
If you do not know Dr. Doris Jeanette, check out Dr. Doris Jeanette’s colorful bio and credentials.
Benefits to Using Dr. Jeanette’s Color and Sound Exercises
- Adds vital, healthy energy to your brain and body
- Feels good, makes you and your cells happy
- Reduces physical pain
- Relieves emotional pain
- Calms your nervous system
- Immediately proves your mood
- Removes depression and anxiety
- Breaks up negative, stagnant energy
- No negative side effects
Color is Light, Light is Healing
Dr. Jeanette’s home study guide helps you use Sound and Color Therapy to improve your depression and anxiety. It also enhances your natural health and wellness.
In the self-study guide you learn about the science behind Color Therapy and Sound Therapy.
Fun for adults and children—this color and sound home study guide is the perfect introduction to Color and Sound Therapy. Use these exercises by yourself. Use with a group or your family to develop your ability to sense color and sound.
Learn which colors you need and how to use the colors in your daily life.
These are original mind-body exercises created by Dr. Jeanette. They are simple and playful. Discover how you relate to each color and what colors you need to become healthier and happier. After you discover your unique relationship to each color, then put what you know about yourself into practice in your daily life. Using the exercises in this guide help you develop your intuition, become more creative and improve your ability to feel and read energy.
Dr. Jeanette’s Color and Sound Therapy guide is designed to help you sense the different vibrations and properties of each color. In addition, each color is paired with a certain sound to expand your awareness and heal your mind-body. Unique body moments are also paired with each color and sound pair. This adds more energy to the mix, giving you more power for creativity and health. Let your inner child come out and play. It is hard to keep a straight face while doing these whole body, energy healing exercises!
Color and sound exercises make you feel good!
These playful Color and Sound Therapy exercises make you feel good because the physical vibrations feel good. You also develop your sensing and feeling abilities. Using these exercises regularly leads to transformation and peak experiences.
Colors begin to jump out at you!
To be successful with personal growth you need to actively engage in actions that help you unlearn your unhealthy learned behaviors from your past. Sound and Color Therapy helps you unlearn unhealthy habits as you move forward on your personal growth path.
Use this Sound and Color Therapy system to access more of your emotional strengths and natural talents.
You may be extremely talented, gifted and a highly sensitive person. Many highly sensitive, intuitive and empathic people are attracted to color. Using these exercises brings out your natural abilities so you use your gifts more fully. Practice helps you trust your inner knowing and improves your self-confidence.
Have fun playing with healing energy. Use these exercise to become healthy, happy and more alive.
Order “Energize Your Mind-Body With Color And Sound,” downloadable in PDF format, 40 pages, $9.97.