Want to Read Body Language? Learn the Non-Verbal Communication Skill That Empowers You.
Reading Body Language Improves Your Success in Personal and Professional Relationships
Learn Body Language Now! Study the one hour audio, “Introduction to Body Language,” taught by Dr. Doris Jeanette. Psychological research has found that almost 80% of the communication between people is nonverbal. This means the most valuable communication skill you possess is the ability to read body language. Body language is real and this physical data can empower you in all your relationships.
Do you know that your body:
- Does not lie because it cannot lie?
- Is constantly communicating information to others?
- Could be read by anyone at any moment in time?
Just image how much it would help you if you paid more attention to body language. Your communication with others would dramatically improve. You would have a definite advantage over your competitor no matter what business you are in.
For example, if you are a psychologist, coach or massage therapist, just think of all the benefits you gain from being able to read body language. Body language cuts through to the bottom line immediately so you help your clients move forward more quickly and effectively.
Benefits of Reading Body Language
You know instantly without words:
- When your client is in a bad mood.
- When he is defensive and closed.
- When she is open and loving.
- When he is depressed or anxious.
- The moment he relaxes and feels better.
- The moment she tightens up and feels sad.
- How secure he really is no matter what he said.
A skillful massage therapist or holistic health practitioner uses body language feedback to adjust their touch, change the topic, hold back, or take another approach.
A word of caution about body language teachers and courses.
There are many formulas for body language in the media and on Google. Be careful when studying them and applying them. They could be incorrect and unhelpful.
Here is an example I just found on Google: “Overly tilted heads are either a potential sign of sympathy, or if a person smiles while tilting their head, are being playful and maybe even flirting.” Note that people with vision problems such as amblyopia have a tilted head. This is an example of unhelpful body language information.
Forget the titled head information and begin to observe the whole body and how the body works as a unit in space. Accurate body language reading is not made up of formulas or bits and pieces.
Reading body language is a holistic, organic, and dynamic communication skill.
The external, physical body is constantly changing as internal and external environments change. To read body language correctly, you must notice the changes and adjust your perception with the physical data. Therefore, you learn a few general body patterns in the “Introduction to Body Language” audio, which you can sense in your own body. Using your body as an instrument you are able to sense and feel physical data as it really exists, not as you think it exists.
In addition, you cannot read body language if you distance yourself from others by finding fault with them and judging them. Therefore, it is extremely important to learn how to observe people without judging them. Sensing your own body helps you give up your mental judgments and develop compassion. Listen to this body language audio to show you how to observe people in real life without judgment and have lots of fun doing so. If this sounds exciting and beneficial to you, order your body language professional development audio now: One hour, cost is $47.
Body language it is a holistic non-verbal message you accurately perceive.
Reading body language correctly takes factual information, astute observation, reliable feedback, and lots of practice.
There are not many people who read body language accurately. Therefore, there are not many qualified places to learn how to read body language.
Be one of the first to learn this valuable communication skill and use your knowledge to create better results in your personal and professional life.
Listen to the “Introduction to Body Language” audio, a teleclass taught by Dr. Doris Jeanette.
You receive the factual information you need about body language in the “Introduction to Body Language” professional development audio.
Body Language Topics Covered:
- What is body language?
- What is not considered to be body language.
- Basic body postures to notice.
- How to observe without distancing yourself.
- How to interpret what you notice.
- How not to interpret what you notice.
Dr. Doris Jeanette’s method of teaching body language shows you how to use your feelings, senses, and intuition in the moment. She encourages you to avoid reading bodies in the same way as the authorities on TV do.
You do not want to memorize certain body postures and use them as facts. Reading body language in the moment correctly is very different from thinking and deducting information.