Try a New, Physical, Body, Holistic Approach for Anxiety Help
NYT reports, “To Better Cope With Stress, Listen to Your Body. To handle adversity more effectively, we should pay closer attention to what is happening inside our bodies, according to a fascinating new brain study.”
Dr. Martin Paulus, the scientific director of the new brain study mentioned above in the NY Times explains, “This study says that resilience is largely about body awareness and not rational thinking. Even smart people, if they don’t listen to their body, might not bounce back as quickly from adversity as someone who is more attuned to his or her physiology.”
Let Dr. Doris Jeanette teach you how to put your awareness in your body because it works for anxiety and depression. New brain research gives you evidence based science to know body awareness in an alternative therapy that works for anxiety and depression.
When your awareness is fully in your physical body, anxiety and depression do not have a place to park. For decades, Dr. Jeanette, developer of the Holistic New Psychology has successfully taught men and women how to overcome anxiety naturally. One of the reasons her alternative therapy approach is so successful is because she teaches you how to live in your body instead of your thoughts.
Dr. Jeanette’s original natural anxiety treatment shows you how to step out of your anxious self into your relaxed self. Doris teaches you how to relate to yourself in a loving, reassuring, physical way so the scared part of you learns when and how to relax and feel safe. This body awareness method used in a loving way helps the scared part of you unlearn your anxiety response in real life in a physical fashion that is permanent.
10 written lessons PLUS 5 hours of audio mp3s
100% Money back guarantee.
The audio and written material in Dr. Jeanette’s natural anxiety home study course leads you, step by step, out of your anxiety into a more relaxed, reality based, physical part of yourself. Falling into gravity and staying in your own skin is an effective way to reduce anxiety and depression.
“Although I am only 3 lessons into the course it already has been well worth the investment. Knowing what to do during an anxiety attack helps so much. Many times I would wake early in the morning and couldn’t go back to sleep because of my racing thoughts. Now I can go back to sleep every time I do the breathing and comforting exercises. Thank you so much!” Heather, mother of four

You learn to recognize when you are truly safe so you respond appropriately to real life events. You know when to let go and enjoy yourself without worry or concern. You learn to cope with any real fears and say goodbye to irrational anxieties.
“Wow. Your information blows me away. No one else is saying what you’re saying. It makes perfect sense. You are helping me so much with my anxiety.” Michael Chandler
Decades of learning research has documented the fact that anxiety is a learned behavior.
This psychological information is good news because if you learned to be anxious, you can unlearn your anxiety. Anxiety is a conditioned response. Just like Pavlov’s dogs, you react automatically with a knee jerk response.
Right now you probably feel helpless because you don’t know what to do to stop anxiety from ruining your life. You are like a train that has gotten off its tracks and is heading over the cliff without a driver… Oh, No! Panic attack!
The reassuring news is that you can keep your life from being a train wreck by learning how to overcome anxiety naturally. Anyone can do learn how to unlearn unhealthy anxiety responses.
Yes, you can. You have the inner strength to do what needs to be done. You can learn exactly what you need to do to reduce your anxiety.
“The first written lesson in your Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course was worth the price of the whole package. I tried your method of stopping anxiety attacks and it works. Why didn’t anyone teach me this before?” Kelly Brown
What are the Benefits of Dr. Jeanette’s Home Study Course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally?
You Learn to:
- Stop hyperventilating, immediately, guaranteed.
- Breathe with awareness during the day.
- Calm your nervous system so you sleep and work better.
- Tame your thoughts for peace of mind.
- Lower your blood pressure.
- Be comfortable in situations where you are now anxious.
- Be more loving.
- Be more lovable.
- Feel pleasure in your body and enjoy life.
Maybe you don’t believe you can relax because you feel so controlled by your conditioning. Of course, you have unhealthy anxiety reactions because you learned something in the past that was not helpful to you. All of us are anxious.
This course teaches you how to unlearn your unhealthy conditioning so that you are no longer controlled by your unconscious conditioning.

Dr. Jeanette’s alternative therapy anxiety home study course teaches you body skills that are extremely effective in breaking your automatic conditioned reactions.
This relaxing home study course gives you body exercises that are proven to be effective in anxiety reduction. Dr. Jeanette also recommends her course to people who want to do personal growth and transformational work.

How to stop hyperventilating is the first thing you learn.
Breathing properly helps you reduce anxiety and is the foundation for any successful self improvement.
You also learn how to access and use your physical, emotional, and mental strengths. You learn to use your instincts, intuition and natural abilities to stop anxiety from running your life.
Dr. Jeanette Does Not Recommend Excessive Traditional Meditation for Anxiety Treatment.
The reason traditional meditation is not the treatment of choice in reducing chronic anxiety is because most people who meditate are not grounded.
The fact that most mediators are ungrounded was first observed by a famous energy teacher and author, Jack Schwarz. Barbara Brendan also reports in her human energy text books that most people have an ungrounded human energy system.
If you are anxious, you are not grounded. If you were grounded, you would not be anxious. Your human energy operates under the same laws that govern electricity. This means if you meditate too much you could blow a fuse and become more anxious and nervous.
It is counter productive to bring more mental energy via meditation into a physical body that is not grounded. If you feel fragile, weak, anxious and mentally unstable do not meditate. First, get grounded.
For effective natural anxiety treatment you must use physical methods that work. Dr. Jeanette’s “Overcome Anxiety Naturally” home study course teaches you how to get in your body and get grounded so you are less anxious.
How is this Anxiety Home Study Course Different?
Dr. Jeanette’s original New, Holistic Psychology approach goes far beyond her Post Doctorate Training in Behavior Therapy where she first learned to successfully treat anxiety disorders.
Doris’ anxiety treatment course helps you ground your energy with body awareness exercises. These body exercises are evidence based. The body exercises developed by Dr. Jeanette have been taught to thousands of people in individual sessions, group sessions, workshops, and classes because they work and stop anxiety attacks.
The Holistic New Psychology material for this home study anxiety course is the same as the in-person anxiety treatment classes Dr. Jeanette used to teach in Center City, Philadelphia.
The written lessons include exercises to help you increase your body awareness, physical strength, healthy emotional expression and specific ways to calm your nervous system.
Dr. Jeanette began to develop her body approach early in her career while working with referrals from the Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Beck Institute at the University of Pennsylvania. Doris lives across the river from Penn. The counseling center at Penn referred Aaron Becks’ CBT failures to Dr. Doris Jeanette.
Women who did not benefit from Cognitive Behavior Therapy at the Beck Institute were referred to her for anxiety treatment in the 1980’s due to her developing reputation for successfully helping women with anxiety and depression.
Dr. Jeanette also worked with referrals from Dr. Joe Wolpe from The Behavior Therapy Institute at Temple Medical School who did not respond successfully to his Behavior Therapy treatments. Dr. Jeanette was supervised by Dr. Wolpe and then worked as a staff member at The Behavior Therapy Institute with him for a few years.
“Your relaxation course, “Overcome Anxiety Naturally,” helped me realize my thoughts are separate from my real self. This was huge. The home study course also reminded me to communicate with and support the part of me that is frightened. When I did this, I became calmer.” Trisha Walters
Dr. Jeanette does not use traditional meditation, Yoga, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, hypnosis, mindfulness, psychotherapy or talk therapy.
Her approach is different because she teaches you to stop thinking and start feeling.
Dr. Jeanette’s unique credentials include: knowledge of learning research, body language, energy awareness, laws of physics, and healthy emotional expression. For more about Dr. Jeanette visit here.
“I am so glad I met you, Dr. Jeanette, I knew there had to be some way for me to do this on my own. Thank you so much for teaching me how to use my own strengths. You are a lone voice in the medication-for-everything-world.” Patty A
10 written lessons PLUS 5 hours of audio as mp3s
100% Money back guarantee.
“I love you Dr. Jeanette. I listened to your fear audio and crossed the Ben Franklin bridge for the first time in years.” Jack Cannelloni

” With Dr. Jeanette’s help, I have been able to finish my college degree and get a long term, live-in boyfriend.” Linda Black
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What You Get in the “Overcome Anxiety Naturally” Home Study Course:
1. 10 written lessons. Each week your lessons arrive as a pdf file. The first lesson arrives as soon as you place the order. Lesson one begins by teaching you how to breath so that you can stop anxiety attacks, mental attacks and panic attacks. It also helps you understand what is going on inside of you and gives you a baseline against which you will measure further growth. You gain new awareness of what is happening in your body.
Subsequently, each written lesson builds on the one before it as you receive the learning research information you need to decondition your anxieties. Slowly, and with confidence, you develop the physical skill set you need to succeed. There is a body and grounding exercise in each lesson.
Each lesson has homework assignments that build a solid foundation for your success. Take as long as needed to absorb each lesson. Work at your own pace.
You learn to focus on your successes instead of your failures. You learn to recognize your inner critic and stop it from ruining your life. In total, the lessons give you the tools to handle anxiety when it occurs and to reduce anxiety in the future. (Value: $199.97)
2. “Opening the Heart” Audio Series. This 3 hour self help audio series is an emotional health guide on feelings, fear and hurt. This audio series is not in the lecture format. It was recorded in a professional studio with the smoothing sounds of Dr. Jeanette’s voice instead of music.
Her voice is comforting and calming to the nerves as she guides you into finding your authentic emotional self. “Opening the Heart” was used and praised by the late Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross.
You learn the energy difference between real fear and anxiety, between feelings and thoughts, between feeling sorry for yourself and real pain. You also learn what to do when you cannot relax. This is important to know and put into practice. (Value: $99.97)
Hear sample AUDIO NOW: Click Here to Listen to Dr. Jeanette’s calming voice …listen to 3 minutes of the Feelings audio.
3. “Tame Your Thoughts” Self Help Audio. This is a self help audio in an educational format. It was recorded during a tele seminar. You learn different ways to tame your out of control, racing thoughts. (Value: $29.97)
4. “Anxiety Help” Self Help Audio. This is a self help audio in an educational format. It was recorded during a tele seminar. Addition information reinforces the holistic psychology principles taught in the written lessons about anxiety and fear. There are examples and real life issues to help you learn how to reduce anxiety in your daily life at work or play. (Value: $29.97)
Worth: $359.88
What You Pay:
You pay $199.97. You save $159.91
100% Money back guarantee.
If this sounds helpful and exciting, order your natural anxiety reduction course now and receive your fist lesson immediately.
Order the Natural Anxiety Home Study Course with mp3s for $199.97. Place your order now and your first lesson arrives immediately. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
Still Don’t Believe You Can Relax and Enjoy Life?
Even if you have tried Relaxation Therapy before and not been successful, this natural anxiety treatment home study course gives you the information you need to be successful.
How could this be true?
Dr. Jeanette’s Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course does not constantly tell you to relax!
If you cannot relax, it does not help you to tell you to relax. Dr. Jeanette knows that your anxious energy is sometimes so strong you cannot relax and calm down. She knows you cannot relax because of the overwhelming momentum of the anxiety.
Therefore, you learn an alternative approach to use when you cannot calm down and stop your racing thoughts and fast moving anxious energy.
There is no magic, psychotherapy or drugs involved, you are guided into implementing different actions which get you out of your thoughts, down into your body so you feel the earth around you.
When you are in your body you feel your physical strength. Your physical strength helps you overcome your mental anxiety.
Imagine this:
You are relaxed sitting at home in a comfortable chair, looking at a pretty plant, drinking your morning coffee or tea. You are breathing fully and feeling rested from a good night’s sleep.
You know what you need and want for the day. You have learned to pay attention to yourself and your needs. You feel your body, emotions and energy as you breathe.
You have plenty of time to get to work so you are not rushing to do anything…..You know and trust you will get to work on time, with ease.
You are the driver of your own destiny. You know how to drive at the speed you prefer and you go where you want to go.
Real problems have real solutions. Relaxation can be a way of life for you… all you have to do is learn the necessary body skills you need to overcome anxiety.
“With Dr. Jeanette’s help, I have been able to finish my college degree and get a long term, live-in boyfriend.” Linda Black
You have the inner strengths you need to succeed in reducing your anxiety. You were born with all the skills you need to unlearn unhealthy anxiety response.
If you learned to walk, you can learn what you need to know in order to overcome anxiety naturally. This anxiety course teaches you what you need to know.
“I have been able to use your breathing method successfully now for three weeks. It works!” Pat in Australia
If learning how to relax and enjoy life without constant anxiety sounds good to you, order the home study course “Overcome Anxiety Naturally.”
Order the “Overcome Anxiety Naturally” Home Study Course with mp3s for $199.97. Place your order now and your first lesson arrives immediately. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.