What Causes Anxiety Attacks?
Panic attacks and anxiety attacks occur when your thoughts get out of control. You may or may not be aware of the negative, mean, obsessive thoughts that you are thinking but they are there in your brain.
When your negative thoughts attack you, your nervous system gets very upset. This happens even if you are not aware of your negative thoughts.

Dr. Jeanette Answers Questions about the Most Effective Anxiety Treatment
Natural Anxiety Help for Social Anxiety, Generalized Anxiety, Anxiety Attacks, Panic Attacks, ADD, ADHD
You can learn how to get rid of your anxiety disorder naturally and lower your social anxiety with a holistic anxiety treatment plan. You will feel more self-confident and emotionally secure by using natural ways to cure stress and anxiety.
Natural Treatment for Anxiety and Depression Question from Lisa
“My life is ruined with anxiety attacks and panic attacks. Is there any hope for me? I have tightness in the chest with anxiety and cannot breathe. I suffer from an anxiety disorder and drugs do not help. Can you help me?” Lisa in Australia
Natural Treatment for Anxiety and Depression Answer
First, let me congratulate you on being aware you have anxiety. Feel proud of yourself that you are not in denial. It is wonderful that you are searching for a holistic anxiety treatment that will get rid of your anxiety disorder naturally. You are ahead of most people, just because you know you are anxious!
Unfortunately, most people live in denial about how anxious they are. Millions of people do not know they are anxious even though their foot is jumping up and down while they are sitting close to you on the plane. Or they are biting their nails while driving the bus. Just look around and notice how anxious others are as you learn how to get rid of your anxiety disorder naturally.
The good news is there is no reason you cannot get rid of your anxiety disorder naturally and become more relaxed and self confidence. You learned to be anxious so you can unlearn your anxiety response.
Let’s Review Anxiety Attack Symptoms
1. Tightness in the chest, heart pounding
2. Upset guts, flipping stomach
3. Hyperventilating
4. Cannot seem to catch your breath
5. Thinking something terrible is going to happen
6. Racing thoughts of disaster
7. Cannot perform the task you need to perform
If you have any of the above you are having an anxiety attack or panic attack. Anxiety attacks and panic attacks are similar.
A panic attack has a higher pitch than an anxiety attack. In both situations, you are overwhelmed. This means you are not present, relaxed and self-confident.

What Causes Anxiety Attacks FAQ?
Panic attacks and anxiety attacks occur when your thoughts are out of control, racing and irrational. You may or may not be aware of the negative, mean, obsessive thoughts that you are thinking. Nevertheless, toxic thoughts are coming at you at a rapid rate. When your negative thoughts attack you, your nervous system gets very upset and your whole body responds.
Your attacking mental thoughts cause your anxiety symptoms to occur.
Your automatic nervous system reacts with physical symptoms even if you are unconscious of your negative thoughts. When you get caught up in out of control mental energy, you become overwhelmed and confused. You can become so overwhelmed by your thoughts that you have a panic attack. Anxiety and panic attacks are similar, with panic attacks having a higher pitch and being more overwhelming.
Natural Treatment for Anxiety and Depression FAQ
Natural Treatment for Anxiety and Depression FAQ

Dr. Jeanette’s Original Natural Treatment for Anxiety and Depression
Dr. Doris Jeanette’s natural ways to cure stress and anxiety home study course is based on the evidence based learning research explained above. In addition, she adds the empowering benefits of body awareness, energy awareness and emotional expression so you access and use your inner strengths for increased self- confidence and self-esteem.
During an anxiety attack, your awareness is in your head, thoughts and mind, not in your body. This is the reason you are so upset and scared. When you are in the middle of an anxiety attack, the first thing you need to do is stop hyperventilating.
The first lesson in the Natural Treatment for Anxiety and Depression home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally teaches you how to stop hyperventilating so you learn how to stop your anxiety attack and panic attack when they occur.
After you learn how to stop your anxiety attacks and panic attacks, the home study course teaches you how to stop thinking and start feeling your body. You learn how to get your awareness into your body so you relax your muscles, nerves and bones into the field of gravity. Your body puts you in touch with reality so you can calm down your nerves and get grounded.
Learning how to stay in your body, grounded and plugged into gravity lowers your anxiety naturally. This is real, honest and solid empowerment. The home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally teaches you how to get rid of your anxiety disorder naturally. All products are guaranteed.