Is it stress or anxiety? Or both?

The information you read on Google is often incorrect and

confusing about stress and anxiety.

Stress is not anxiety.

Stress is a normal part of life. However, we are being

tested to the limit with our ability to handle more stress

than usual. Ever since the pandemic, there seems to be a

constant state of crazy, ungrounded, anxious energy

hitting us in the face.

Stress is one of the factors that upsets your nervous

system. When your nervous system is upset in any way

for any reason you become anxious.

Therefore, excessive, frequent stress makes us feel

anxious because we are overwhelmed. It is very helpful

when you feel the anxiety in your body caused by stress

because then you can do what you need to do to reduce

your anxiety.

Anxiety is static energy in your nervous system.

Awareness is the first step in reducing the anxiety caused

by stress. If you don’t acknowledge your anxiety, you

cannot do anything to become less anxious. Therefore,

integrative body psychotherapy, body-based

psychotherapy and any type of body centered

psychotherapy helps you realize when your nervous

system is upset.

Stress can be internal or external.

External stress factors are sometimes not in your control

and you cannot do anything to change them. For

example, the way we are being whiplashed by the

weather these days!

In contrast, internal stress coming from your Inner Critic,

telling you should’s and should not’s that make you feel

rushed IS something you can change. When your Inner

Mother or Father tell you what to do, wake up and notice

it. Do not project your thoughts outward on others. Your

thoughts are 100% yours and no one else’s. When you

are rushing yourself don’t blame others. Instead, listen to

your Inner Critic and take responsibility for your


You can unlearn your anxiety response.

Learning research tells you exactly what you have to do

to unlearn an anxiety response no matter what the

source. If you learned it, you can unlearn. Use the fact-

based scientific psychological learning research to help

you enjoy good mental health and more Vibrant


How to Manage Stress

1. If stress is external and you cannot control the

results, let go of control and allow the outside

stress factors to be what they are. Let go of trying

to change something you cannot change. Then you

can return to a relaxed and comfortable place in

your body. Being able to overcome your anxiety

caused by stress is an essential skill you need to

learn to manage the realities of everyday life.

2. Learn to say “No, No, No!” to outside stress any

time it is too much for you. Set limits and say no

often to others, situations and events. Practice

saying no until you are comfortable telling the

truth. Being assertive is an essential skill you need

to learn to manage stress and reduce anxiety.

3. Say “No, No, No!” to your Inner Citric any time it

rushes you to DO something or not DO something.

Learn how to put your Inner Critic in the back seat

and let your True Self drive your car so that you

are safe and sound without being rushed, pushed

and pulled. Being assertive with your Inner Critic is

an essential skill that you can learn to help you

separate from your parents so you can stand on

your own two feet.

4. Get and stay grounded. Being grounded means

your body does not resist the field of gravity. When

you are grounded your body naturally sinks into

Mother Earth. When you are anxious, you tighten

your body and resist the law of gravity because

you are thinking scary thoughts. As long as you

pay attention to your scary thoughts you are

anxious and not grounded. Your thoughts can

scare you to death.

As you can see, integrative body psychotherapy, body-

based psychotherapy and any type of body centered

psychotherapy will give you effective ways to manage

your stress. Being aware of your body empowers you.

The best use of body psychotherapy provides you with

body mind tools that help you release the anxiety

response out of your body permanently. After your body

relaxes, you will enjoy a noticeable increase in your self-

confidence because it is physical.

You can practice and use effective body psychotherapy

tools to stay centered, relaxed and grounded throughout

the day.


As far as I know, the only natural anxiety reduction

approach that includes body awareness and Body

Psychotherapy tools is my home study course, Overcome

Anxiety Naturally. Every lesson includes a body-based

psychotherapy exercise to step-by-step reduce the nasty

Inner Critic’s voice in your head, which is what causes

you to be anxious and insecure in the first place.


STRESS SOLUTIONS: Learn to feel your body and trust

your body. Learn to say no to toxic thoughts step-by-step

each day. The Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study

course has ten written lessons that guide you into

supporting and reassuring your body and emotional self

so you stay in your body for increased self-confidence.

Learn how to stop your obsessive, crazy thoughts from

scaring you to death a little bit more each day. $199.97,

money-back guarantee.

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