The Vibrant Moment – Remember: Use Body Mind Psychotherapy

Author: Dr. Doris Jeanette, Body Psychotherapy Teacher and Mentor

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Body Psychotherapy is the foundation of the Holistic New Psychology Approach to Mental Health and Wellness. The more you improve your relationship with your body, the more self-confidence and better mental, emotional and holistic health you will enjoy.

My formal education in Body-based Psychotherapy began in 1975. I began to notice the changes in my clients’ body as they began to relax into the large, comfortable recliner that was in each office. Every client was taught how to fully relax their body at The Behavior Therapy Institute under the supervision of Dr. Joe Wolpe, the father of Behavior Therapy.

When you can read Body Language, you have access to the truth in the moment in front of you because the body does not have the ability to lie and deceive you. 

If you ignore the human body when treating anxiety and depression, you are not going to be smashingly effective. Afterall, your body is the instrument that measures physical reality inside and outside of your body. In contrast, when you use integrative body psychotherapy, body-based psychotherapy and any type of body centered psychotherapy, you can be smashingly effective. 

Unfortunately, the current traditional psychologists do not usually pay attention to the body of the person they are treating. And very few are using Relaxation Therapy with Desensitization to teach their clients how to unlearn their anxiety and depression responses. 

When you use Body Psychotherapy you have the ability to overcome your irrational thoughts more quickly and with more success. When you relax into your body, the result is genuine physical self-confidence. Instead of being fooled by your nasty, racing, toxic Inner Critic, you recognize the irrational nature of these toxic thoughts because you are on solid ground.

Self-confidence is a physical reality; it is not a thought. You are relaxed in your body and comfortable with yourself.

Holistic mental health is another benefit you will enjoy if you use Body Psychotherapy to shift out of your thoughts into your body. Instead of being stuck in your head thinking, you literally move through physical space enjoying more bodyful vibrant moments.

Therefore, with Body Mind Psychotherapy you can unlearn your anxiety and depression responses permanently so they are no longer held in your body. With Body Psychotherapy you can successfully increase your self-esteem and self-confidence so you can stand up for yourself in the world.

The good news is that it does not matter if you can find an effective Body Psychotherapy treatment center near you or not. You can create your own body-based psychotherapy and integrative body psychotherapy program right now in this moment.

How to start your body centered psychotherapy

Step 1: Take three deep breaths into your lungs like a baby. Take your time and make your breaths slow and full. After the third full deep breath, let go and trust your breathing.

Move slowly from one step to the other in your body centered psychotherapy exercise.

Step 2: Do a body scan from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. Take your time and pay attention to your body. Use your feeling ability to discover what is going on in your flesh.

When you are using any type of body-based psychotherapy, it is important to use all of your senses to become more aware of what is going on in physical reality. 

For example, where is your body hot, cold, tight, hurting and so on? Are you aware of your feet, hands, pelvis and so on? Where do you hurt, ache or feel good? What is the taste in your mouth? What is the smell around you? What senses are you aware of? Not aware of? What sounds do you hear, inner and outer? 

Step 3: Do another body scan. Notice how your body has changed since you first started. How did your body respond when you noticed it and paid attention to it?  Take note of all changes inside and outside of your body. 

Step 4: Write down your experience in as much detail as you can. If you don’t have time now, make notes as soon as you can so you don’t forget interesting facts.

Step 5: Repeat your body centered psychotherapy practice every day to become more bodyful, alive and healthy in mind, body and spirit.

As far as I know, the only natural anxiety reduction approach that includes Body Psychotherapy is my home study course, Overcome Anxiety Naturally. Every lesson includes a body-based psychotherapy exercise to step by step reduce the nasty Inner Critic’s voice in your head which is what causes you to be anxious and insecure in the first place!

RELAX INTO REALITY: Learn to feel your body and trust your body. Learn to say no to toxic thoughts step by step each day. The Overcome Anxiety Naturally home study course has ten written lessons that guide you into supporting and reassuring your body and emotional self so you stay in your body with self-confidence. Learn how to stop your obsessive, crazy thoughts from driving you crazy! $199.97, money-back guarantee.

SUMMER SPECIAL: Order the home study course Overcome Anxiety Naturally by Sunday, July 21, 2024 and $50.00 off the price. Use coupon DRJEANETTE.

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