See yourself at the end of 2008:

Looking in the mirror you see a difference between last and this year. You are proud of yourself and feel all warm inside because you have less anxiety. You look much more relaxed.

You did take action and you got results. You feel good and look strong, happy and secure in the mirror. You know you deserve to be strong, happy and secure.

Now it is the beginning of 2008:

If your physical body and emotional body do not reflect back to you –a big difference from the body and emotions you had last year–
this means you are not becoming stronger. Each year needs to be a step forward toward your purpose in life. Self improvement is not permanent until your physical body reflects changes in the mirror.

You may think you have changed, but if you cannot see a difference in the mirror, the energy is not there. You must see your body radiate out more love and light when you look in the mirror or you have not changed.

In addition, you want to feel better, not just look better!

Take a loving look at yourself in the mirror. Do not waste your precious life another moment in mundaneness and ordinary consciousness.

You have innate talents, skills and abilities which need to be used for the highest good.

If you are not using them, they are being wasted. Emotional health is not achieved until your body relaxes to allow more vibrant energy to flow though your flesh.

You are incarnate after all!

The way to get more juicy energy flowing through your body is to let go of old, thought patterns, false beliefs, projections and conditioned responses.

Then peak experiences and vibrant moments happen au natural. Your body reveals the truth about your thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Your body does not have the ability to lie. Listen to “Hear Your Body Talking” for more information. Review this last year with love, laughter and kindness toward the self. Do not judge what you see.

Judgment takes you nowhere!

Review 2007, without judgment.
Order the Cd on Judgment and Guilt
to shift out of judgment into self acceptance.

Amp up your life with some serious self improvement
so you are stronger next January.

Specific suggestions:

1. Follow the free advice available on the internet radio shows,
in the library at Live at the Edge. If you take action on the suggestions,
next year this time, you are sure to notice a huge difference in your
body and feelings when you look in the mirror.

2. Let something touch your heart and soul. A person, a moment,
a color, a feeling, a sound. Be open to being affected. Open your
heart and energy field–really…
Click here to order, “Opening the Heart.”

3. Take action on the things you read in The Vibrant Moment newsletter.
Don’t just read about something, do something. Order something,
buy something, take action. Get education in the areas you need to
know more about so you succeed. Use any of these Self help products to
become stronger, happier and more secure.

4. Use your mind to set in motion this year’s intentions.
Imagine your desires, see them and put some energy behind them.
Energy follows intentions.

Become your authentic, real, vibrant self.


Doris Jeanette, copyright, January, 2008

Doris Jeanette, Psy.D. is a licensed psychologist with 30 years of experience
helping people self actualize. If you need a speaker, coach or consultant
call her at 215-732-6197 or write her at [email protected]

Visit her global web site and partake of her
15 self help products so next year you are smiling from ear to soul.

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